Wednesday, May 15, 2024


A Look Back at the Yesteryear's Poetry

featuring Lorraine McLeod, Faith Dincolo, C. G. Howard, W. Casey Carr, Mason Meadows, and A. E. Reese. 


To My Mum.

 There will be a day, or night

When I see you again, hear your voice, feel your presence.

There will be a night, or day,

When the pain of losing you will be lost forever

And love will fill that space for eternity.


There will be a day, or night,

When time will be no more, and our bond stretched between two worlds will be one,

There will be a night, or day,

When you will call me to you,

And I will run so fast to your open arms.


Until that day, or night

I live, and love, in gratitude,

Until that night or day,

I treasure our memories

And wait for your light to guide me home


Lorraine McLeod 2022


The Hidden Meadow

A stag leapt across our path
While we rode our mountain bikes with knobby tires
A tucked away dirt trail ours alone

A stag leapt across our path
We peddled over the twig rabbled road
Mechanized man vanished in the almost wilderness

The very air vibrated in our mouths as we watched
The sixteen point stag
four feet off the ground

25 hands maybe more
Calcified antlers battle earned
the beast startled erect on the tree lined glade.

There we shared a glass of deep still Zin
Red plastic cups, our eyes torched with altitude
we waited, was the he here again?

Wine stained my breast with his lips
Alone in the forest
A stag leapt across our path.

Faith Dincolo 2022


The Multiversal Me

I am not Bizarro
Except I have cracked white skin
I write absurd yet poignant narratives
that resemble the Mirror Man
that I've become
since travelling to the other side
of grief and death and zombies
Do we have wakes for our undead friends?
Not while they chew on our faces
Or do we? in another version of me
in a place not unlike home-base
where we are boarded in
like black-n-white copies
of classic horror tropes
The pitchfork mob lift their torches
the lighthouse burns
Bizarro Me escapes
I, too, escape...into the mirror
of my own life. 

Bizarro C. G. Howard (2022)


Broken Bough

I gather the almost ripe apples
from the broken bough
split by lightning last night
by the withered cow. 

Mother makes a pie 
before the fruit goes bad
the children smile eager
for dessert and glad.

Father cuts the branch
for fire to bake the pie
and warmth tonight
as a new storm fills the sky.

Baby cries with dread
as mother kneads the dough
as father lights the timber
with sister and I aglow.

We gather all at the table
and thank the Lord for our fare
Father scowls as thunder rolls
scaring a whinny from the mare.

Mother drags the knife through the pie
and places a slice on each plate
We attack the crusty portion
blind to our pending fate.  

copyright W. Casey Carr


Building Shadows

First must we gather the wandering tools
Where girders await the search-worthy fools.
We mix the concrete of blood sweat and tears
To lay upon the foundation of fears.

Second the architects calm the wild sky
While blueprints measure the knife in its eye. 
We reach beyond the length of our strife
To cage the wonder of death after life. 

Third the malls arise to fill empty halls
Plastic plants line the toxic waterfalls.
Glass windows doors and floors abound
For lone children we have the lost and found.

Last we cut the ribbon with our shears
The light of hell warms the crowd's modest cheers. 

Mason Meadows 2022 copyrighted



Lilith dear Lilith loves children to death:
She tucks the plump tots into their warm bed.
She tells them sad tales and smells their sweet breath.
By dawn she's long gone when they are found dead.

By daylight she sleeps like corpses at rest.
A crypt in cold darkness makes up her home.
By night she seeks folk that welcome a guest.
She lives out a curse to forever roam.

Behind a veil she hides ruby red lips,
Pale grey skin, eyes of blue, sharp yellow teeth.
She wears a marriage gown over silk slips.
No man alive hath seen her underneath.

They say her flesh is gone or turned to bone.
Yet with your kids she's often left alone.

A. E. Reese 20022

Thank you to our poets today and especially to our readers for visiting this month.
We hope to bring you more verse next month. We'll see you then.

Anthony Servante